Saturday, April 18, 2015

In the last couple of weeks I have spent time visiting with three people, people I know well, that do not either own a computer or never ever go on one.  They know what facebook is but never use it.  They use their phones for receiving emails, or, in the case of one…she doesn't ever email.  This is a highly unusual situation.

And this is what I observed.  They definitely are 'out of the general loop'.  When I talk with everybody else I converse with, I assume that any news I am referring to, any interesting tidbits from facebook or just general internet gathered knowledge, they are fully aware of it.  And they are.  When conversing with these three individuals I find I am having to either do a lot of backfill info or just skip that part of the conversation completely.  Its like having a half conversation.

I have noticed a lot of discussion in the general media about the 'damage' screen time or rather too much of it is harming our social interaction with people. Of course, like anything, too much can be harmful, exercise moderation…in everything.  If you are completely consumed with screen time to the exclusion of personal contact…well thats not what I am talking about.  That pretty much creates the same handicap as the other end of that extreme stick…no screen knowledge at all.  I am talking about the majority (my majority) of balanced (my balanced) internet use.  I just know its a whole lot easier to talk to people on the same general page.  Its not very often I run into people that have absolutely no internet savvy at all.  So interesting.

I decided to clean out the garage fridge.  I figured it was full of half bottles of wine, old beer, juice etc.  But…I discovered on the bottom shelf a fairly large red plastic container…not one I remember.  Hmmmmm….I wonder.  I gingerly hauled it out and set it over on the workshop bench and pulled the lid off.  OH MY GOD!!!  There was a good three inch deep layer of fuzzy mold, atop a sloppy gooey unrecognizable mess.  And the smell was so bad that within the ten seconds it took me to come out of shock, ten giant fat lumbering blow flies started circling my head.  

Normally I would slap the lid back on quickly and toss the whole thing into the garbage container.  But nooooooo…we can't do that.  The bio hazard stuff has to be put into the kitchen scrap thing (where those effing flies are coming from) then the red thing has to be washed out and placed into recycling.  Well I did NOT do that!  It got fired into the garbage.  I shant be here for the fall out.

Now its time to go and pack up some more awkward stuff.  It never seems to end.  I am leaving the garage stuff and the garbage sorting for tomorrow.  Today I must finish whatever I will be doing here in the house.  Tomorrow is hair washing day too.  (shovel list  'sigh')  TTYL

ps:  I am putting a picture on here to show what is on my lap as I write this post.  You will see I don't actually hate or shun Molly.
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