Friday, April 17, 2015


I think you have to love your dog so much that when they do an a**hole thing you get upset but you don't go crazy with, well for the sake of not using a stronger word…dislike for it.

If anyone knows me they know I am not the most careful, neat and clean person.  Mess happens and sometimes objects become victim to that.

Almost a couple years ago I bought a very expensive, very comfortable lazy boy type rocking chair.  Because I sleep on it, blog on it, watch tv and read books…well basically live the sit down part of my life on it, I covered it with a sheet.  I have been extremely careful to keep the sheet clean and covering the entire chair.  Consequently it is in pristine shape…very unusual for me!  But those sheets are packed now.  All I have is my black cushion and my small quilt.  So…I am being really really careful.

Today I cooked some chicken wings.  The detritus of this meal was sitting on the shelf beside my chair.  When I came back into the room Molly had jumped up on my chair (where she absolutely 100% knows she isn't allowed) and ate a whole whack of uneaten wings off my plate and ON MY CHAIR.  Its totally ruined.  The arm and seat are completely covered in grease stains.  And that, again, is when I discovered I don't love my dog enough to think this is okay.  Stupid ass dog.

  I put her on a rug out in the other room and I am making her stay there.  I don't trust myself around her right now.  And I am NOT feeding her tonite.  I can't wait until my life is dog free…hurry up April!!!  I just don't understand what people get out of annoying pets.  And now I am sure I am going to get a bunch of hate comments or have peta down my throat.  Sorry, I'm just not feeling it.  And since Aryn got her groomed she is extra extra cute…dammit.

I had a super duper dinner with Andrew last night. He is maturing into quite the fine man.  He seemed different…more calm, happier and just older.  We had such a good visit!  I caught up on all the family news and we talked about pretty much everything.  Its sad that I won't see him as often but he does go through Kamloops on occasion and said he would stop in.  I really hope so.

Robert the gardner dropped by yesterday.  I invited him in for coffee and we ended up talking for two or three hours..philophising..he is so interesting and we had a good old back and forth chin wag.  He is going after his doctorate in physiology…and his main paper (?) is about male body dysmorphia.  So interesting.

I have been packing up the awkward little things.  I am not sure what packers do, other than use a ton of paper (from what I hear).  I need to concentrate on the recycling and food garbage.  Yesterday was recycling day.  I put four blue boxes out.  Half of it they wouldn't take…for example four hungry man boxes.  I had flattened them but they popped back into shape…they are so skinny.  They wouldn't  take them because 'they were not flattened'.  They wouldn't take the black beans cans because they weren't washed out enough.  Seriously?  I am so done with Alpine.  The day we leave for Kamloops is garbage day.  They will be picking up the garbage and the next day Alpine will be picking up the containers.  Wait till they see whats going to be in those garbage containers.  For the 125 bucks a month I pay, they can frigging well eat their fines.

I think I had better sign off.  I am supremely cranky right now and I might say even more cranky stuff.  TTYL

ps:  I do actually love my dog and I AM going to put all kinds of bad crap in the garbage.


  1. Ha! We all know you love that are not fooling anyone, LOL>

  2. You should have let me keep babysitting her!!!
