Monday, April 20, 2015


First of all, I yet again want to thank you so much for the people that have reached out.  I didn't think that was why I posted but maybe it was.  You guys are so supportive and kind.  Honestly, it makes a huge difference.

So I decided to pretend someone was saying what I said last night to me.  What would be my response.  And I hate to say it but I would want, maybe not actually, to say "hey!!!  your problems aren't all that bad.  Think about all those out there with REAL problems."  I think about those poor spouses that actually genuinely can't go on without their missing partner.  I feel so bad for them.  Me? I am tough and a mover onner.  So the glitch is over and I am back in fighting mode.  Let me tell you about today.

The packers were to show up about 8 - 8:30.  My brother, who is very very very experienced with having his house packed for him, told me it takes one day to pack up a house.  I had at least half the house packed.  All the little stuff, every cupboard and drawer I packed.  So what they need to do is the kitchen (half…I packed a bunch of it), lamps, pictures, bedding and towels, my walk in closet which is pretty much packed, two bathrooms and purple room, which is pretty much packed, a downstairs bedroom (not packed) and the garage.

Well, no one showed up.  Finally around ten two old dudes arrive.  The head guy wasn't quite right in the face and this was his sidekick's first day ever packing.  OMG!!!  I would go into the garage to deal with yet more food garbage and such and I would go back into the house every couple of hours…and they would hardly have done anything!  Seriously!  Spod was Spol (speed of light) compared to them.  What the hell!  They worked til six, eight full hours and got the kitchen, pictures and some of the lamps packed.  Shit I could have done that in one hour to two hours.  And they wrapped every single thing, including a couple of books in layers of paper and taped it!!  Its going to take me forever to unpack!  AND  they are using old used boxes…which they have to tape and tape and tape to put them together and make them work.

He said they would be back tomorrow to finish.  But they have another place to pack first!  They are never ever going to have it done by Wed. morning.  I am phoning the dispatch boss tomorrow morning with my concerns.  First thing.

Also, this morning, the home inspector showed up along with the potential buyer's realtor.  He was super nice.  The buyer's had asked me to leave between eleven and twelve so they could have a private tour with the inspector.   So I took off, had lunch and came back at twelve.  They were still there.  So I sat in the car for over and hour!  Grrrr!
That is the LAST accommodation I am giving these people.  They have a three times longer subject removal date, they have been through the house five times, I have had to give them written permission to go to the city for info, I let them in again today…I am done.

And this inspector is way way better than the one I had last year.  He found stuff I didn't even know existed…like a septic tank, a very neglected full, tank with a sump pump that pumps the crap up to the city sewer.  Needs attention.  I didn't even know we had one.  And there are carpenter ants at the back.  And the drain tiles need adjusting.  One good thing.  Last year's inspector said that we had "P" pipe…which is now banned because it breaks down.  We actually lost one potential buyer, a plumber, because of that.  But this inspector saw that all the joints had been switched to copper ones so the pipes are all good!

So now the buyers are freaking out and wanting me to fix things.  I have said no.  They said they want to read the report tomorrow and they will let us know.  Wed. is the subject removal date.  I am going to tell them to come back, get out of their truck, walk four doors down to the brand new house that is still for sale (because its is made of crap according to my realtor) and BUY IT!!

Tonight I was cleaning out the fridge.  I am simply throwing everything into garbage bags.  I don't care if stuff is 'kitchen scraps' or recyclable.  It would take me hours and hours to clean out every single one of the 110 bottles and jars in there.  As I was hauling out one of the bags, a jar broke and busted through the bottom of the bag and spread god only knows what that was, mixed with glass all the way to the door.  Molly immediately started to lick it, grotty little mutt, and cut her tongue.  What a flaming freaking mess that took me forever to clean up.  Right now I honestly think I will be here in Langford forever!!!  Its never going to get done.  Never.

One really good thing happened amongst all this silly angst.  While I was in Vancouver I got a toothache.  I can't remember if I mentioned that or not.  But I am eating ibuprofen which keeps it at bay.  I emailed a sedation dentist in Kamloops and they emailed me back and I have an appointment next Tuesday!!!  I am so happy!  Now I just need to find a doctor I can push around.  LOL!!

Bedtime.  Gotta be up and at it tomorrow.  I have to get both fridges and the freezer clean.  I am going to get the housekeeper to do the stove.  I also have to clean out all the cupboards in the kitchen.   And I do believe the old dudes are going to need help.  Hahaha!  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. I would have been on the phone when the old dudes were a half hour late! Then I would have snuck in a phone call to report their poor workmanship that I was paying for! Do not put up with poor service that you're paying for, the job needs to be finished -yesterday... :)
