Friday, August 26, 2011

day 15 HST and surprise

Oh geez, just checked in and have noticed that the silly people of BC, not looking past their collective noses, has done a silly thing. We are going to pay and pay now. I really have to say something about this.

When one travels to all the different countries of the world, it becomes more and more evident that we are truly blessed in our country, both federally and provincially. Our taxes are by far the lowest we have come across (except for the states….but look at the crap they are in) We have a medical system, we feed our poor, we try to house them, our living conditions are the best in the world and our gas is the cheapest we have seen anywhere . Our teachers are well paid, our nurses make more than nurses in almost any other country, our police system is one of the best, our education is good, our legal system works and we are free…to vote, to move, to change professions, to read what we want, to eat what we want and to think what we want. These little storms in teacups, Olympic pros and cons, convention centres (which will be paid for and making money in less than five years by the way) Campbell lies, HST are of very little consequence in the whole picture. The more I travel the less I see the trees and the more I see the forest. Our forest in our little neck of the woods is truly green and fertile and will continue to be that way, no matter what. We must never lose sight of that. On another note….

Today I made the choice to NOT go anywhere. I told Bill he could go to Brussels, Brugges anywhere. But I needed a day on the ship to read, relax and vacation. So he took himself off the ship, onto a shuttle bus and into the little city at this port in Belgium. Ahhhhhhh…I thought. Time alone…this never ever happens. He is always right by my side, no matter where I am going. So I took myself off to a quiet corner of the Lido, set up my laptop and my ipad book, got a coffee and set about having an unusual amount of time to MYSELF!

About one hour later, my peripheral vision picked up a largish person wearing tan pants and navy blue top….exactly what Bill wears everyday. Well, my heart did a little skip, a little frisson of joy skipped through me, a smile spread quickly across my face and I looked around at him….and it wasn’t Bill. I immediately felt deflated and a little lost. WTH??? I was so happy without him. I was so glad to get time alone…so why was I feeling like this? What the heck is going on? The feeling didn’t leave, so after a little while of not enjoying myself anymore, I packed up and went back to the room and actively waited for him to come back. Another hour later, I heard the key in the door, and in walked tan pants and navy blue top and my Billy and I was so happy to see him. Lesson learned. TTYL

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