Sunday, August 28, 2011

day 17...Dublin

How incredible it feels to finally step on Irish ground. I have heard so much since I was a child about the sacred Ireland and now I am here. Bill and I are definitely coming back.

It is lunch right now and we are back on the ship. We had a city tour this morning and a tour of the Trinity College and saw the Book of Kells. Google it. LOL!!! Pretty amazing.

Dublin is quite small and walkable. There seems to be a picturesque pub with quaint names on every corner. In fact I will hazard a guess that there are more pubs here in Dublin than Starbucks on Robson street! Man I wish I could share some pics!!! Which reminds me, my camera is acting up. Gotta redo the settings methinks! This afternoon we are going out of town, north side and seeing a castle as well. So,,,I shall report back later.

Back and happy. This afternoon was awesome. The Irish ladies that guide here are so frigging funny! The one this afternoon had us in stitches the whole trip. We went to see a castle and the seaside and then to a pub for an Irish coffee. So much fun and Dublin is truly beautiful. When we arrived back to the ship there was an immense line up to get back on. We have to get on one at a time, swipe our cards and put our bags through security checks. I counted out six buses arrived at the same time, forty people per bus, plus all the shuttle bus people and as sunny as it was, the wind was just howling off the Irish Sea. It was FREEZING!!!

Just as Bill and I joined the line, we heard sirens, getting closer and closer and up screams a fire truck, first response van and….oh god nooooooooooooooo………….an ambulance. Every bloody cruise I have ever been on someone kicks it and it holds things up unbelievably. So, we all back off the ramp, get herded WAYYYYYYYYYYY over there and have to stand and wait and wait and wait and wait. The guy was dead…what could take so damn long!!!! They had to transfer him to their own gurney from the ship gurney and tie him down etc…..The poor little wife was beside herself, freaking out and crying in some weird language I didn’t understand. It was almost an hour before we were allowed up the ramp and by then I thought we were going to have to call ambulances for a number of the oldsters standing around waiting. Cruising can be hard work and I tell you, a lot of the cruisers here just don’t qualify. They can barely get off a bus let alone handle freezing wind and standing around for an hour.

Now we have eaten, another bbq out back, and I am blogging whilst Bill fixes his pictures, sitting in the Lido, relaxing. My hairdresser just came over and told me that he had seen me the other day before the treatments and now he thinks I look so much better!! Ahhhh…what can I say? I totally agree with him of course. Two old people just sat with us for a while and we shared a big bowl of cherries with them. They were delightful. Being from Pennsylvania, I asked them how Intercourse got its name….and he explained!!! Later, around ten oclock we are going down to a mainstage show featuring an Irish comedian. The internet is out until we leave port at 11 oclock tonite so I shall post this then. At sea tomorrow…I shall go out and look for trouble to report!!! TTYL

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