Saturday, August 20, 2011

day 9 Helsinki

It is now one pm and I am up in the internet cafe/library/crow’s nest lounge area. This is the only place I can get the internet, still at a glacial pace mind you. It is generally a nice quiet place to come and read, have a coffee or go on your computer. But…..there is ALWAYS someone playing cards and the shuffling absolutely drives me nuts. I started hating shuffling on the bus trip we did years ago with the kids, in Italy. There was a woman and her kid that played cards the whole way through Italy, no matter what was going on outside. Drove me nuts.

I typed the above 2 hours ago. A lovely Australian woman sat down here with me and we had an awesome convo. I have actually met quite a few good people on this trip. Right now though, yet again, the internet is NOT working and the internet guy is off on a break. There are about ten or twelve women, absolutely up in arms, angry as hell, panicking that they are being charged because they can’t log off properly. I think it would be really easy to start a revolt!!

We went into Helsinki fairly early this morning and had a bus ride about. The place is beautiful. They have amazing parks everywhere. The buildings are not really old as they had the crap bombed out of them during the second world war……and they don’t like Russians here either.

Bill nearly got killed though which scared hell out of all of us that witnessed it. He is DEAF. He won’t admit it and won’t fill his prescriptions for hearing aids. Well, at one point we were crossing over a non car street, over tram tracks to the area where our bus was parked. He was NOT looking, busy counting out his euros change in his hand (he is scared to death of getting too much coinage) and damn near stepped in front of a silent electric moving train tram. It was so close that all of us around almost had heart attacks….and I was yelling frantically from across the street..but he just didn’t hear me. Its funny too because I knew he was a ways behind me and I saw the tram way down the track and I almost stopped to wait for him just to be sure. But then I just didn’t. And he came two inches from being killed. Achhhhhhh……….sometimes he is like being with a two year old!!! But then all us women think that and from what I can tell, we are mostly right.

Whats really funny to watch though is how all these old men are from the era of looking after the little woman. But they honestly don’t know what they are doing half the time. And I gotta tell ya, some of those women have become pretty damned bossy!!! Its so funny to watch. The women just simply always know what is going on and the men don’t but won’t admit it. We all go down to the huge theatre before our excursions, and wait for our tour to be called. We then all file out (there can be 400-500 people at once), get a sticker for our bus number and away we go. The men never ever can figure out the process, even though we have done it over and over. So you see older efficient busy fast walking grey haired women, dragging limping, questioning shuffling tan panted old men…all looking horribly confused and bewildered. God its funny. TTYL

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