Thursday, August 18, 2011

day 6

Okay, doing Paleo is proving hard. Its okay if I am on the ship, but when we go out on these excursions we get fed, and we get fed very well. I would have to choose not to eat at all. Oh well, at least I can control it on the ship.

Today we were in Estonia in their little city of Tallin. It was beautiful and very affluent and well kept. They HATE the russians with a passion. They moved all of the Russian statues to one park on the edge of town and they call it The Monster Park. Russia invaded and stayed for fifty years and only did Estonia get their independence in 1994.

Last night two middle aged, very well turned out gay men sat behind us at dinner. The only reason I feel free to write about them is because they were very flamboyant and kind of putting on a show. How I wish I could repeat here the conversation they had all during dinner. They spent the entire dinner discussing the scallops they had chosen in the buffet line. The entire dinner conversation was on how they were cooked, what seasoning was used, how they compared to the high faluting restaurants they have eaten scallops in, what wines go best with scallops, how the scallops had a perfect crust and colour but were still tender and not over done on the inside, how a certain chef back home could take lessons from the little brown line chef cooking them on the grill behind the food line, how they are definitely fresh and not frozen, how freezing them makes them lose moisture, and on and on and on and on and on….I couldn’t believe it. Then, right in the middle of it all, one of them chokes on one! He coughed and coughed and coughed until Bill, who was totally tuned out of all this, busy reading his book, got an annoyed look on his face and said lets get out of here. I am going no no I want to hear more and watch, but the coughing got to him and we had to leave. In between coughs though, they were still discussing scallops.

Tomorrow St Petersburg or Lenningrad, or Stalingrad…whatever. ‘Twill be interesting…..TTYL

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