Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I just reread part of the last post and that was a lot of whining.  I'm finding that since there is no Spod (read…moderator) around anymore, I am  pretty fast to irritation and annoyance.  I am actually finding myself throwing things in a most immature petulant tantrum.  If I thought for one second April was reading this I wouldn't be writing about the throwing part.  I have been lecturing her about losing one's temper and chucking things around in explosive rage.  Today I threw the tape out of the tape gun.  A brand new one too.  But loading that freaking gun then making it work right is  truly at the top of my shovel list.  Surely they can invent something more intelligent to deliver packing tape!!!!

I have covered a fair amount of territory in the last few days.  One thing, Robert, my most interesting gardener, spent all day here yesterday.  I couldn't believe how much work he did!!  The whole yard, front, side and back looks absolutely fantastic!!!  He needs to do one more bit in the ditch at the front and then he will be done the spring clean up part.

Dan, Big Dorothy's awesome boyfriend came by yesterday, bringing a lovely Tim Horton sandwich lunch, to pick up the four legged campstove.  (Yay!!!another thing gone!!)  He stayed a couple of hours and we swapped stories.  He is such an interesting guy.  He works in the oil patches all over the world so I pumped him (no pun intended)for all the info and opinions I could get.

Bit by bit I am getting the house ready for packers and listing.  I want the packers to pack the awkward stuff that Spod used to pack (tiffany lamp shades, glass shelving, art pieces etc) but I want to get everything else except the kitchen packed myself.  Every closet in the house will be full of packed and labelled boxes.

I have a guy coming from Salt Spring Island tomorrow to look at the sofa.  On Thursday the window/gutter people are coming and Thurs. night Bradley and Aryn are coming!!!  They are going to finish the kitchen and bathrooms. So, slowly but surely its all happening.

My only problem now is stinky Parker.  He just stinks.  Instead of 'Old Man Stink' he has 'Old Dog Stink'!  He has large hot spots that itch, get scratched, bleed then stink.  He smells like a musky swamp mixed with corn chips.  Its chokingly bad!  I can't afford to have him bathed every week and that probably isn't good for his skin anyway.   When Dane shows the house I am surely going to have to boil cinnamon in water for an hour before they come!

Well I got Purple Room all done.  That was without doubt the messiest room I have ever cleaned.  I have a big garbage bag full to the top with all the mail from this past year in it.  Its sensitive mail too…bank account numbers, social insurance numbers etc….and I hate shredding (its all those paper clips and staples that have to be removed).  So I have asked Monte to take the bag up to Port with him when he goes next time, go out into the bush and burn it all.  Thats what we did with all of Bob's stuff that his kids didn't want.  Seemed kind of sad but he wasn't my dad and I wasn't prepared to pack his stuff around indefinitely.  Burning is so fast and efficient, no putting ashes back together like you can with paper strips!!!

Now that the last 'bad' room is done, its time to go down those stairs, go to the very far end of the lower level and make beds, sweep dog hair (even though he is never ever ever down there, his hair manages to find its way down…so annoying)and stage rooms for photos next week.  I don't think the basement will take long.  Thanks to Joan's friend, its pretty empty! And laundry…always the laundry.  (shovel list)!!!!!


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