Friday, February 6, 2015


What a great feeling! Stuff after stuff got loaded into the back of the truck and driven off to the Sally Ann or the dump.  There is still a long long way to go but there is daylight out there in that garage now!!!  Monte is so handy…being six eight with arms like a gorilla he can lift anything and reach right across the garage for stuff!  I have come to the conclusion that shelves are a bad bad thing.  The more shelves you have, the more crap you accumulate.

Monte got a call from his doctor with an appointment for him tomorrow at three.  So after the last load to the dump he headed off to Port.  He will come back down tomorrow  to finish up in the garage.  At least finish his part.

Andrew came for dinner tonight and there were two very very happy doggies.  They love Andrew more than anything in the world.  What a great surprise for them!

We had a delicious dinner of rib steak, cream corn, perogies in bacon and onion, home baked buns and apple crisp.  It was a delicious dinner that took us about three hours to eat because we were talking so much.  We had so many stories and catchup and conversation and laughter!  What a great time tonight!  We are going to meet again soon before I move.  Its highly unlikely I will see him much after I move and that makes me sad.  

I am just a little pissed off with something that happened on Wed.  Appliance guy came, set up in the kitchen, got out all his tools etc…and proceeded to take out a tool and open up the corner cupboard to the right of the dishwasher and pop the bottom shelf off and out.  This shelf is a super specialty shelf built for corners by Ikea.  It took Aryn and April three hours to figure out how to install it.  I warned the guy to pay attention how it works because its techity.

So for the next two hours he drilled and screwed and hammered and installed the dishwasher and the above the stove microwave.  He was in a hurry because of the next appointment (I overheard him on his phone)  Next thing I know, he packed up his tools and then tells me he can't find the gizmo that attaches that shelf in the cupboard.  So he looks, I look, he looks more, I look and it just can't be found.  It is simply gone!

So I say 'well I need that thing.  The shelf is useless without it!"  And he says 'take a picture and take it to Ikea and see if they can give you another one"  I go "What??!!  Thats in Vancouver…a two hundred dollar trip and I don't have the time to do that!"  So he just kept looking but finally said he had to go.  He is coming back on Tuesday to put a plug in to plug in the microwave.  Apparently he will be bringing the invoice for me to pay at that time.

So, I do believe before I pay him we are going to have to have a conversation about that cupboard and how HE plans to rectify the problem before I pay. should have seen the mess he left.  There is sawdust EVERY WHERE!!!  Its down in the cupboards, all over the stove, all over my pots and pans he took out of the cupboard, all over my kitchen aid.  The floor was filthy, right to the front door.  And when he took the microwave out of the box he shredded the styrofoam and it was everywhere.  I am not a happy camper.

Anyway, its time for bed.  Another busy day tomorrow,cleaning and packing.  The truck is sitting right there, backed up to the garage door and empty!!!  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. The appliance guy sounds like a real asshat, but boy you are sure on a roll! Great going!
