Sunday, February 22, 2015


In the morning the first thing I do is grab my glasses to put them on.  And…my damned ears are so flat on the side of my head, its like they are suctioned onto my skull and the only way I can get my frigging glasses on is by pulling my ear away from my head…after forty tries to get the glasses leg between my head and my ear.  May seem petty by it drives me nuts.

Hearing a giant crash in the other room, running in there and there is ……   nothing.  You look here you look there and there is just nothing.  You KNOW you heard the crash and things potentially breaking but you can't find a single thing that made that noise.  It kind of leaves you hanging and a bit spooked.

Loose toilet seats.  I hate them.  You sit down, sigh in relaxation, maybe pick up your phone or a magazine, move slightly and THUNK! the seat slips off the edge of the bowl.  I know it only drops about 1-2 inches but its enough to jolt you right through.  And God forbid there be a crack in the seat.  BEWARE the crack.  Again, move the wrong way and the next thing you know that stupid seat has pinched a chunk of your ass and ain't letting go.  And it HURTS!!

People that don't clean the lint trap in the dryer.  I have a lot of different people using my dryer and even with the sign on it, when I go to use it there is always at least three dryer loads of layers of lint on the screen.  I have seen first hand the damage that that can do and how dangerous it can be.  Clean the lint traps peeps…you won't regret it!

Coats hung on the back of the dining room chairs, by people that live in the house, not temporary company.  I hate coats and sweaters draped over the chairs.  It instantly messes up the place.  This might seem super petty but I have had certain people living in my house (not you) that would leave their coat or sweater there for infinity.  I am always hanging up coats and sweaters.

TV show repeats.  Why?  Right in the middle of the show's season, on no particularly special day, you get all snugged in all ready and anticipatorily starting your show and…its a frigging repeat…for no reason whatsoever.  I can't even describe that specific feeling..but its not good.

Buying what seems like a really good interesting looking chicklit book and forty pages in it simply turns into a cheesy romance novel..which I refuse to read.  I absolutely hate romance novels.  When I was a really young and very very poor mother, the only books I could afford were really cheap boxes of Harlequin romances from the used book store.  They were marginally better than the backs of shampoo bottles and I am grateful I had at least something to read but at this stage of my life I simply do NOT have to read them.  So when my what appeared to be an interesting intelligent book turns into nothing more than a romance novel, I am very irritated.  It reminds me of the movie 'Titanic'.  To me, thats exactly what that potentially great movie turned into.  Huge disappointment.

One last one…there are dozens more but you might end up thinking I go through my life living in a constant state of irritation.  (Maybe I do!)

Hashtags.  I hate them.  And I try really hard not to judge people who, in my opinion, over use them or put them where there is no purpose for a hashtag.  If the tag actually links to more info on that subject then great…I actually appreciate that.  But if it leads to nothing then what the hell is the point?  Its so irritating.  The best example I can think of is people that put pictures of their babies or pets on facebook.  Above the pic they make a quick comment then add forty stupid hashtags like #babygirl, #mamasboy, #cuteclothes, #kittybabies, etc… and when you click on the tag it just takes you to another page with that exact same pic on it and nothing else.  Come on people…get over the hashtags or use em right!!!  (Hmmm..maybe I should take my own advice and get over it!)

Some things are not so petty or just annoying.  Some things make me so pissed off I do bad things.

One of them is vacuum cleaners.  OMG!!  You have no idea what kind of rage rushes through me when I flip the vacuum switch and it doesn't turn on.  You check the plug.  You check the electric panel.  You flip flip flip the switch…hard.  Next thing I know I am kicking the shit out of the damned thing (I am getting mad just writing about this) and next thing you know I have picked that inept piece of crap up and thrown it as hard as possible out the back door…hopefully hitting something and smashing it to pieces.  It wasn't so easy with the built in though!  Now, for years I have had a Meile.  Best vacuum ever.  Ever. Hands down.

Another instant rage maker that I actually did a very smart thing and eliminated it right out of my life forever…was PC computers and microshit.  Seriously, the few years I spent with crap computers and bad bad programs did permanent damage and long lasting effects to me.  Blue ghost.  I know people tell me now that pc's and microshit programs aren't like that anymore.  But even if they aren't I would go without a computer if they were the only choice.  And fortunately they aren't the only choice.  

In 2003 our house burnt down.  And when our family went into the burnt mess the next day, accompanied by firemen, and we rounded the corner into the family room and saw that last pc we ever owned all melted over the desk looking a lot like a Salvador Dali painting, we instantly cheered and high fived each other.  We then switched to Apple and have never looked back.  But if I go to hell when I die it will be because of #%$&@##ing pc's and microshit and all the terrible swearing I did.

I would list neighbour's barking dogs here but thats way way beyond even more serious things that bug me.  Barking dogs drive me into an instantaneous murderous rage…waaaay beyond what I am whining about in this post.  One day I am going to write a book anonymously and title it "101 WAYS TO KILL A BARKING DOG, AS SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY AS POSSIBLE, AND THEN ITS OWNER"  I don't want to ruin my day so thats all I am going to write about this one.

I would like to say that I am going to write a post about all the things I love and enjoy, there are lots.  But that would just be sweet and cheesy and that just isn't me.  TTYL


  1. I can't stand people who talk to me like a text message! Using abbreviations, like brb when when leave the room.
    My youngest brother will even say LOL to me instead of laughing! Not L-O-L either... but its a word!! What the heck is that? Are we all devolving into uneducated cave-men? We can't even speak words anymore?!?

    I also hate when you call someone and they don't answer but 2 minutes later text you back "what's up?" Whats up is answer your #''?$*!! phone!

    I hate the coat on the chair thing too... its amazing how fast our kitchen table could turn into a closet.... coats... backpacks... paper work...

  2. Just FYI
    The hashtag might work in instagram
