Monday, February 16, 2015


I packed up my walk in closet today.  It was interesting.  There was a number of baskets of Spod's stuff.  Its kind of amazing that your whole life is reduced to a couple of little baskets of the dregs of your life.  I felt the same way about Mom's stuff.

One of the things I found was a Waterman's fountain pen, an old one, still in the original box.  There was also an antique cut glass ink well.  I have no idea where he got that.

I also accumulated three full garbage bags of my clothes for the sally ann.  Holy cow!  they are going to be so stoked to get a crap load of fat lady, like truly fat lady, not those 1x or 2x stuff that doesn't fit any of us true fat broads, clothes for once.  They never have anything that fits us big ones.  And they are really nice clothes.  Now that I am not cruising like before I just don't need them.  My clothes have been literally reduced to two jeans, three tights, four cropped pants, four shorts, five tshirts, two blouses, and one going to meeting outfit.  I got rid of the funeral clothes too.  I can fit all my clothes now into two rubbermaids…including my coats.  Tomorrow I am tackling the final purple room clean out.  Such a great great feeling!!

Holy crap!!!!!!!!  I just remembered that the counter people are coming tomorrow!!!  Its really late right now and I have to go and completely clean off the counters and put away all the stuff I brought out.  EEEEEK!!!!  I'm outta here!  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Helen I am desperate for fat clothes if you think anything would work for me please call me and let me know.
