Tuesday, February 3, 2015


I got errands done today!!!  I have been procrastinating forever on some of them.  Monte got back from Kamloops yesterday and he is staying until Thursday.  So I booted him out of bed early this morning and he drove me all over the place.

Most importantly the counter is ordered!!!  We went downtown to the counter place and they sent someone around here at three to do the fine tune measuring.  There should be a new counter in by the end of two weeks!!!

I also managed to get to Service Canada..a place I basically had no idea about before Bill died.  I do remember going to Service Can with my sister last year but she was driving that bus on that one and I didn't pay much attention.  So now I am going to get a widow's pension.  I actually had to phone Kathy in Maui to get the name of the fellow who married us.  He married my brother, my sister, myself and officiated at dad's funeral.  And I couldn't remember his name.

Speaking of which….twenty five years ago Bill and I got married.  I wrote a poem (you know, one of my stellar talents heeheehee) for that minister to read during the ceremony.  Which he did.  Not well but he did read it out.  I remember he was so nervous he was shaking.  And immediately after the wedding that poem disappeared.  It was in triplicate on connected copy paper…old school type.  I never saw that poem again and it has made me quite sad over the years.

A couple of days ago I was clearing out one of my many junk boxes in purple room.  They are all current, created in the last year.  So as I was going through one of them, separating pictures from toothbrushes, I saw a piece of letter size paper.  And guess what?  It was the wedding poem.  If you held a gun to my head I would not be able to explain how that very recognizable piece of writing just suddenly showed up in my current junk box.  Blew my mind I must say.

After service Can. we hit Fairway and I found mint jelly…the cheap lime green kind, the only kind in my book.  I was so happy!  I bought four jars, just in case.  We then went to Costco and I bought dog food and leg of lamb.  Two of them.  Mmmmmmmm.  I want left overs to go with all that jelly.  Tomorrow night they are all coming so tomorrow will be a cooking day….my favourite.  Scalloped potatoes, paula deen coleslaw, broccoli, apple/pineapple crisp and icecream.  Mmmmmm.

I rushed home and cleared every single thing off the counters in the kitchen, except the keurig.  I told the measure guy that I didn't want to unplug it…I would have to reprogram it and thats damned near impossible.  Then I cleaned and watched some Downton Abbey (sorry Em).  Such a good day.  And I am really enjoying Monte's piano playing.  His ability to  write songs amazes me.  Now its time to hit the hay.  Up early tomorrow!  TTYL

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