Sunday, July 7, 2019


To my long time readers you may remember the little hissy fit episode I had in Paris one morning.  That was the morning I had put on my 'saved' pink t shirt with my fancy pants pants, the ones with birds of paradise flowers etc all over them.  So Paree...or so I thought.  And as I sashayed across the lobby floor, feeling ever so cosmopolitan, towards April, she looks at me and says, 'Your shirt is dirty!  It has grease stains on the front.'

Now, something exploded in me.  I'm not kidding!  I thought I hadn't worn that stupid shirt yet, saving it for Paris.  Clearly that wasn't the case.  And how is it I had put it on without noticing that it was stained?  And why, why, why and how, how, how, does this CONSTANTLY happen?

This used to always happen to Bill too.  One time, years and years ago we both got angry about it at the same time.  We went through our t-shirts and looked at them and if they had even one frigging stain we were tossing them out.  We ended up with a whole garbage bag...out the back door as far as I could toss the sucker.  It stayed there until spring.

I ended up buying a scarf to wear to cover the stains.  Poor April.  She felt so bad that she had said anything when she saw my reaction.  I basically fought back tears of frustration and got pissed off and stomped off.  I just can't turn myself out well.  It just never ever works.  I always end up looking like...well like a Blister as Spod always called me.  I decided when I got home from that trip I was going to do it again, go through all my shirts and just throw out every single one that had even a hint of a stain on it.

But I didn't.  I guess by the time I got home I wasn't mad anymore and really just didn't give a crap.  So those many t-shirts just stayed in my drawer and got packed up with the rest of my clothes.

And now I am really glad I didn't.  I was scrolling through the Fat Lady website, looking at the latest clothes.  I only look at tops on that site.  Dresses make me look like walking tablecloths, pants don't fit and I don't buy lingerie.  But for some odd reason I had remembered back to our last trip to Yellowstone Park and a denim jumper I used to wear.  I loved that thing.  I wore it all the time, everywhere.  And that was years and years and years ago.  Those things have been out of style, well even back then.  Unfortunately I lost it when the house burnt down in 2003.  Thats how long ago it was!

I was scrolling along just looking to see if there was anything remotely like it, not with any hopeful expectations mind you.  And then suddenly, there it was!!!  Exactly what I was looking for.  I simply could not believe my eyes!!!  I still can't believe it!  So I ordered it instantly.  It was only available in a size smaller than I take but I thought even if I hang it in my closet and just look at it now and then I will be happy.

When I got home from camping a few days ago it was waiting for me at the post office.  I went off immediately and picked it up and lovingly brought it home.  I opened it and laaaaaaaaaaa.....there it was, exactly like the one I had before.  I was pretty sure it was too small but at least I had one now.  Motivation maybe to lose some weight.  (lets be real...probably not).

Well I looked at it and hung it up and took it out and looked at it and hung it up again repeatedly for a few days until I finally decided to try it on and see just how small it was.  And guess what?  It fit!!!  Perfectly!!  I couldn't believe it.  I don't think I have lost weight, I just think my fat has migrated down leaving my stomach a little flatter.  I am so happy! I shall put a couple of pics on.  One is from the website and the other is one of me I sent to April.  Its only the top part.  I will have to get Monte to take a full shot of me in it and I shall put it here.  

And guess what?  The shirt I have on is a totally grease stained one.  You would never know though!!!  hahaha!!!  Now I am glad I kept all those dirty shirts....Score!!!  TTYL



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