Tuesday, July 30, 2019


This is my vent for this day:
I know schools teach grammar.  I also know that kids will mimic what they hear at home.  But I think special attention needs to be given to the usage of seen vs. saw.

I read the local community facebook page.  Hundreds of comments float by.  And it's unbelievable how many people use the word seen instead of saw.  It drives me crazy!

Well I just got off the phone with the jeep dealer.  Gladys will be here in the next few days!  I am getting excited!

I now need to go get the windshield taken care of. And they have repeatedly told me NOT to get the jeep detailed.  Apparently they have to do it, whether its clean or not so, I hope they don't freak when they see the three inches of dog hair embedded in every inch of that vehicle.

We are going to go camping on the tenth of August.  We are heading up to Pachena Bay at Bamfield with Jen and two of the grandkids and her squeeze Dave and two of his kids.  Jeni, my brother's daughter and her friends will be there the first night as they are getting ready to hit the West Coast Trail.  I am sincerely hoping Gladys will be here by then.  If not we go in Monte's van.

One of the things we are going to do is spread the rest of Spod's ashes.  When we spread some of the ashes in Maui, someone asked why there were only two of his kids there, when actually there was three.  I offered at that time for anyone that wanted some of his ashes for their own little ceremony, they were welcome to ask me.  No one did.  So all his ashes are going this time.

We have chartered a boat (I think I mentioned this before, sorry for the repeat) to go fishing and whilst we are out there we will spread his ashes on his beloved fishing grounds.  Only Monte and Jen and I will be there.  Both April and Aryn would love to be there but they just can't be for various reasons.  But that's okay, they both kind of got their closure  in Maui.  The charter guy is one who knew Bill, so that seems such an added bonus.  Weenie roasts it is!!!! I might take some spuds and tin foil and butter and salt and pepper...oh yeah!

Well I gotta bounce.  Whilst sitting here between typings, I combed out my locks.  Tubby time!  TTYL


  1. Your Bamfield trip sounds great. We can do a day trip when I come over!

  2. we sure can!!! No hiking to Beale though!!!
