Tuesday, July 23, 2019


I was up at the crack of dawn yesterday morning.  I made coffee, dealt with Wrangler and then noticed in my bleary morning state that a big ole' ham I bought the other day was still sitting in my fridge taking up way too much real estate.

So I hauled it out, washed it, and stuck it in my turkey roaster on low.  Not too low though.  I have found out the hard way that if your outdoor cooking implements are set too low, big ole' blow flies get in and lay eggs all over whatever it is you're cooking.  And scraping them off and turning up the heat is NOT something I will do.  (shovel list). Right Cookie?

I also ended up with a big bowl of shaved off corn.  We had a fair amount of cobs left over Saturday night so I decided I would make creamed corn to go with the ham.  I make super good creamed corn, if I do say so myself.  Did you know that bought creamed corn is actually vegan...nary a drop of cream or butter in it.  So it isn't hard to make a better tasting homemade version.

Then I noticed that the asparagus was literally on its last edible leg.  So I hauled that out to prep for dinner as well.  And....I had seven russet potatoes that were just beginning to wrinkle a tiny bit. (And if I am being honest here...their eyes were sprouting hairy white wart like thingies)  And before you know it I had a dinner planned, not one I would normally make for just two of us trying to do Paleo eating. But left overs are left overs and over ripe vegetables need eating, fast.   And that was all before eight am.

Monte, much later got up and saw what was for dinner.  He got excited.  He loves creamed corn.  And ham and asparagus and baked potatoes.  I knew he would be back in time for a six o'clock dinner.  But what I hadn't expected was at about five thirty he told me he was bringing James and his gramma too.  So I hauled out placemats and dishes and set the table properly.  And dinner was had by all....and it was mighty tasty!

My new camera came.  Sigh.  I hate learning something new, and especially when it's smarter than you are.  (shovel list). I screwed around with it just long enough to throw it back in the box...not out the back door like I wanted to.  I just was NOT born with any patience.  It's not fair.  I know people that not only would they have effed around with the frigging thing for hours and hours, but they would have actually enjoyed it!!!!  I can't imagine a world where that would be me!  I know!!!  I will get Monte to set it all up and put the straps on and charge it up etc....He'll do it!

Well its ten in the morning.  I am a prisoner in my bedroom whilst the housekeeper is doing her thing out there.  My window is open and I can hear Wrangler out there, nails clicking on our cement walk that goes around the house.  We are trying to teach him to stop barking when we tell him to. Drives me nuts his endless barking when someone comes to the door.  So I throw him out onto the deck where he can access the yard and there he stays til the people leave.

He spends his entire time trotting around to the front door and then to the back, up the stairs to the deck door, back down the steps and around to the front door....over and over and over.  Stupid stupid stupid.  But the upside is he won't need a walk later.  Haha!  He's putting miles and miles on out there.  His Bully Highness is shocked that he has been put out!

I bought a dress!!!  First dress in yonks.  I thought I should have a 'Sunday go to Meeting' dress on hand for funerals and weddings.  I will put a couple pics of it here.  It comes next week.  It might look awful but I can send it back, or make a pillow out of the material.  Its beautiful material... TTYL


  1. I think its a lovely dress. The bodice reminds me of a peacock design. Sort of exotic...:-)

  2. OH yeah, and I forgot to tell you that my end of our "mammo" deal is all good until next year..:-)
