Thursday, November 7, 2013


My wallet.  I am actually having to stop and figure out what is up with my stupid wallet.  It is bright pink and normal sized and ALWAYS going astray.  I carry it in various places and I think that may be the problem.

It is either in a back pocket...or rather I should say 'was'.  The other day I went to use the loo in the Nanaimo ferry terminal and as I was about to sit down I felt it plop out of my pocket (which I had forgotten it was even there) and splash in to the john.  As I turned around to grab it the toilet automatically flushed.  Shit!  I swooped down and grabbed it so fast it was hardly wet.  Fortunately the toilet had been flushed any problem with it would be all a mental one.

Sometimes I carry it in my right bra side.  The other side is reserved for my fact, in Maui Cookie and I were sitting in the back seat..I could not find my phone.  The first thing Cookie did to help me find it was poke me in my left bazoom.  Hahaha...   The first time I wore a sport bra (very me and sports? but the straps don't fall down...I counted one day how many times I pull a bra strap up and when it hit 200 I got mad) the phone and/or the wallet migrate.  One time I reached for my phone and my wallet was there...the phone on the other side.

When we were leaving Kathy and Kerry's the other morning Kerry just casually went through the "do you have everything? phones, laptops, mastercards, debit cards?"  And because I sometimes can't lay hands on my stupid wallet I checked.  I knew it was in my black coat pocket on the back seat of the truck.  Nope.  Panic.  And then the hunt was on.  We unloaded EVERYTHING from the back seat (including Mom), we hunted through the house, emptied all three of my bags and purse, back and forth from truck to house four hundred times.  Finally I said we would have to stop...there just wasn't anywhere else to look.

So sadly I got into the truck, thinking about how I would have to add trips to the bank, trips to motor vehicle branch, make phone calls at home tomorrow on my busiest day of the year.  We were backing out of the parking spot when Kerry waved from the doorway and pointed at the grass...and there it was.  We had probably walked over that dam thing four hundred was right on the grass right on the pathway from door to truck.  And its bright pink!  What the hell!  But thank you a million times Kerry...saved me a hell of a lot of headache!

Yesterday was a truly hectic shopping (shovel list) day.  I had my three lists and off we went.  Half way through the shopping I started to get chest pains again and feel sick.  But I am beginning to realize that this happens everytime we go shopping or whatever.  I think I am developing agoraphobia...or at least a variation of it.  I would make such a good hermit.

And now today is the execute day, converting all those groceries into something edible and packing all the necessaries for the most awesome week end of the whole year!!  I am truly hoping there will not be a snow dump on the roads...that would really hamper and hinder.  Anywhoo...I will be blogging from Princeton along with inappropriate pics!  TTYL

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