Wednesday, November 6, 2013


We are home.  The house was nice and clean and our doggies were so happy to see us.  The house doesn't smell like us yet though.  Maybe thats a good thing!

We missed the five ferry by just a few cars so we had a two hour wait for the seven.  We went in and had dinner, did some shopping and then I spent the last hour making a comprehensive list for this weekend.  I work so much better with lists keeping me on track.  When I finished that Spod and I had a conversation about Mom...who was sitting on the back seat...her presence very much in our mind.

Kathy had mentioned that we spread some of her ashes at the normal school site where she spent her 18th year.  And Spod suggested we spread some of her ashes at Bamfield...maybe out at Pachena.  Of course the bulk of them will be spread on dad's grave in Armstrong.  So this means the ashes will need to be re packaged into smaller containers.

Spod reminded me that we had some wee little glass containers from Ikea in the garage that we could use.  A great idea...they look nice too.  But  then I got to do you actually do this.  In my mind I imagined the lovely little jars all lined up with her ashes.  I hadn't thought about how they got in there.  A dilemma.

I began to realize that I would actually have to 'handle' the ashes.  What do you use to transfer some to each little jar...a spoon?  Which spoon?  One you eat off of?  After you are done do you just throw it into the dishwasher with all the other dishes?  What about the little bit that will most likely spill a little?  Do you try to pick it up or do you just swipe the dust onto the floor?  You know...I am not even sure I can even LOOK at the ashes let alone handle them.  Maybe this is a job I will delegate to Spod...he's tough, he can do it and just don't tell me what spoon he used.

Our house sold!  There were over sixty groups go through in the one week it was on the market.  We got the price we were after and the closing date.  So it is plan kitchen and bathroom time.  Spod and I made the decision to just live upstairs, leave the basement to kids and guests.  We will keep our crappy 'dog ruined' leather furniture until Parker kicks it into the vast beyond :{  He is 10 now so we will be on this stuff for at least two years.  I just don't have the heart to get new stuff and then try to retrain him.  That couch is that dog's security blanket.  He needs it.  (I know I know!  I sound like one of those foofoo dog owners that feed their stupid dogs on a silver platter and get them hair cuts to match themselves  (shovel list)...and I don't even frigging like dogs)

But we can get rolling on new kitchen plans, new bathroom plans and all the other little things we plan to change.  I really did think that the other house would take a lot longer to sell and for not as much as it did.  The only one this is not good for is April.  She has one month to find a new life...not going to be easy!

Well I am off to execute some serious food shopping and organizing!  TTYL

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