Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Ahhhhhhh…..home home home!  And it actually feels like home.  And it was so nice to be greeted by Andrew.  He seemed peaceful and happy, which is exactly what I would always wish for him.  I will be making roast dinner tonite and I will talk to him about the note I had to leave him and his moving.  But last night we just relaxed and caught up on everything.

But going back to where I left off….we all met in the Chilliwack hotel for breakfast and spent a great couple of hours visiting.  It was so cool for us cousins who grew up together to be together again. We have so much history with each other.  After a wonderful breakfast we headed off to North Vancouver.  Bill immediately started to fill the truck….with plants.  Not the tools, or the box or two of stuff left over, or the garden bench we must take….but scruffy, straggly dirty plants.  Finally, later in the afternoon we headed to the hotel.  Later we met the family at Andreas for dinner and had a great time with them.

The next day I made a stop at the fat lady store and caught up with all our news with the girls there.  I love it there!  Then off to lunch with Spod and Clair, one of his buddies he lunches with.  We have known Clair for many many years and I haven't seen him for a long long time.  So lunch was an awesome catch up time!  He showed me pics of a motor home he is selling…man! what I would give to own that baby!!!  I could live in something like that thing!  How easy life would become.  I would divide my time between my children and park it in their driveways or on the street in front of their places and visit!  (Just kidding kids in case you read this)

We then dropped stuff off at our accountants downtown and headed out to Ladner to Bill's sister's place.  They have bought a beautiful dogwood tree for us to plant in memory of mom.  And they didn't even know that the dogwood is mom's all time favourite tree.  In fact over the years we would seek out things with a dogwood flower on it to buy her for gifts.  So we will sprinkle a little of her ashes under it as we plant it. (but Spod will have to spoon out those ashes for me)

They invited us to stay for dinner, ordered Chinese food (our fave) and had a great visit and catch up on the family news.  Its been a long time since we have had time to just sit and visit with them.  They live very near  Tsawassen where our ferry leaves.  Most enjoyable time and we caught the 7 ferry and got home by 9:30.

And now I am sitting in my brand new super comfortable rocking chair in purple room.  Its an overstuffed, soft and cushy chair..the type you can actually sleep in.  I love it.  There is a foot thingy you can put up and when I do that this lap top sits perfectly on my lap.  So I am sitting here, lappy on my lap, blogging,  half watching that bitch Judy on tv.  What more could one want?

And…..I have my mother sitting here beside me on a special table I have set up.  And….I talk to her and best of all….she can't talk back.  Its pretty awesome.  I am telling her all those things I couldn't tell her before..but I have to admit that I can sort of hear her in my mind..answering me back!  hee hee!

Well I feel a lot of work calling out to me.  I had best get off my duff and go get to it.  I think that there is a trip to costco on the books for today!  TTYL

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