Thursday, November 21, 2013


And I hope he reads this.  He is so freaking punitive.  He was like this with his kids too, its a wonder any of them still talk to him.

Molly peed on the floor under the table.  It seems as she gets older she drinks more and can't hold it. We know this and try to get her outside often.  What Molly needs to do is learn to get our attention more when she needs to go.  As such, when I saw it I gave her hell, normal hell, wiped it up, gave Parker a little snack and not her...and it was over.

Spod was out in the garage and when I went out there I made the giant mistake of telling him and told him what I had done.  At least a half hour later he comes in the house and I hear him yelling at her and giving her shit all over again.  I yelled at him to cut it out as I had already dealt with it and its been too long.

Another half hour later he came into purple room and asked if she was in here.  No.  Apparently she had run out the door to outside when he yelled and yelled at her...and now she was gone.  And no amount of SNACK or CAR RIDE was bringing her back.

Needless to say, I can't print the diatribe I layed on Spod.  Seriously.  He has done this sort of thing since the day I met'd think he'd know by now to just leave the disciplining, dogs or kids, to me.  His discipline is senseless and scary.  They learn NOTHING the way he does it.  That poor little dog.  So I told Spod he would have to go find her...up and down the road, spca if necessary, posters etc.  She is so at risk of being stolen or scooped by eagles or coyotes.  He got in his car to go look for her.

Meanwhile I went out back and called and called and suddenly I saw a little movement halfway down the back property and there she was..hiding under a pile of brush.  Poor little Molly.  I went down and got her and cuddled her and soothed her.  I brought her in and gave her hugs and snacks.  Spod eventually came back, I think a little relieved she had been found.  I can hear him out there talking to her like nothing happened.

That poor dog...she just goes through hell with us. Last night she slept with us.  Now, she has learned pretty much to sleep on Spod's side of the bed.  I'm a thrashing bed banger and she takes her life in her paws sleeping near me.

So sometime in the middle of the night I suddenly, violently jerked awake, arms flailing.  Unbeknownst to me, Molly had crept up my side, between me and the edge of the bed, which probably was what awoke me so suddenly.  Well, when I jerked so quickly I nailed her, hard, and she went flying across the room towards the bathroom door.  She smacked the wall and landed in a basket of stuff sitting over there.  She immediately hopped out and kind of spun in circles.  I reached down and over and called her and just as she was coming over to me I lost my balance and fell over the side of the bed onto my butt and legs still on the bed.  So do I keep on going..onto the floor or do I try to push and struggle to get back up onto the bed.  Well I didn't want to fall but do you think I could get myself up onto the bed?  No, I could not!  Finally I had to let myself fall off the bed in a semi controlled way and I landed right smack guessed it...Molly.  Man!!  That poor dog!  She let out a yelp but I scooped her up and she was okay.
I think we are just bad dog owners even though we love her up to the sky!  TTYL

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