Wednesday, November 27, 2013



People do not believe me when I tell them "I DON'T LIKE DOGS, NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL."  Oh, I like them lots if they belong to someone else or I see them on the street etc…but after these two we own are dead…that is it.  Absolutely no more.

Yesterday and the day before (and every day before that) we have swept up so freaking much dog hair from Parker its ridiculous.  There is no way we would be able to use a vacuum cleaner…it would wreck it.  Its absolutely everywhere…in the chairs, under every possible piece of furniture, in my shoes, on our coats, in our food, choking up the electric baseboard heaters, all over the bathmat….EVERYWHERE.  I am done.  

And they have fleas.  No matter how many trips to the vet, how much money we spend on spray, how many times they are bathed…we still have fleas.  And when Parker scratches, which is all the time, his elbow thumps on the floor, loud.  It wakes us up all night long.

And now Molly, sweet cute little Molly….is pissing on the floor…no matter how many times we put her out.  I just got up and just stepped in a huge puddle and of course where is she?  She squeezed through the dog gate at the top of the stairs and was hiding downstairs where she isn't allowed to go.

  I AM DONE!!  I have put up with dogs since 1981 for the good of the family but this is it.  I have never liked dogs.  When you don't really love something everything they do is more intolerable than if you really did love them.  I think I love them and then BAM!! they do something doglike and I go to mach ten hate.  I am sure there are people out there that are going to go to mach ten hate on me for saying this.  Dog lovers….I totally understand how you feel…I just don't feel the same way and haven't for 32 years.  Its time to quit.

Now April just called.  Her friend who is staying at our house over there is in the hospital with Hepatitus (not the contagious one) deadly ill.  There is no way he will be able to move before closing date.  And there is quite a bit of his stuff there.  I don't know what to do.  Those kids have to be out of that house in two weeks…the new owner is walking in.

  And Monte's medication is not working, he is in a bad way but their hospital is full and he can't see his doctor til January.  But he is heading rapidly for another psychic break..the worst thing that can happen for him.  He needs to get a full time gp that would be familiar with his situation and help him in between the six month psychiatrist visits.  But this being stupid Canada…that aint gonna happen.  I spent half the night on the phone with him, keeping his feet on the ground.  There is no way can any of us handle another disappearing act which happened last time.  I am not sure how this one is going to be solved.

And we can't get the District of North Van over to the property to inspect the drainage on the property.  The f….ing next door neighbour, whom we hate with a passion (everyone in the neighbourhood does) complained and now the district has attached a citation on the tax file about it.  It has to be inspected and, to the tune of about 2ooo dollars…fixed if necessary.  And they won't respond to our requests.  This has to be done by Dec. 14th.  Reports, after they have done it, take weeks.

I just want to go to Maui.

Sorry for the negative post.  TTYL

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