Sunday, November 24, 2013


What an odd and funny weekend.  We got away yesterday by about ten o'clock.  It was a little later than I liked but Spod was having a bit of a sleep in.  I figured that if we got there about noon to 2 sometime, the turkey dinner would be well on its way to completion.  No.  It wasn't. funny.

We got in to Monte's  and got all our hellos over with and sat down to have a coffee.  I spied the turkey, still in its wrapper sitting in water in the neighbour's roasting tin.  Okay…then I spied the bread loaves in the bags they came in…not even remotely stuffingish.  The neighbour Pat arrived, they and Pat's wife Angie were going to be making the dinner.  So Pat and Monte start cooking up bacon bits, then mushrooms for the stuffing.  Next came the onions to be chopped and butter to be melted.  By the time they got through all that it was two o'clock.  I asked how big the turkey was and I was told it was over fifteen pounds.  So I did some math…it would need at least 6 hours to cook and one hour to rest…that put dinner at around nine oclockish.  What were they thinking?  I suggested we have the dinner the next afternoon…do all the prep now and cook and eat tomorrow.  And thats what we did.

Well, the turkey HAD to be stuffed and in the oven by 8:30 in the morning.  I got up at 8 and Monte had said to wake him up…yeah right.  They maybe really wanted to cook me the dinner but… I got the dressing out, tweaked it with a little more seasoning and another half pound of butter and rammed that bird full to the gills and had it in the oven by 8:30.  About nine Spod and I took off for the hills and went hunting for pics and birch sticks…successful on both  counts.  We got back to the house around 12:30 fully expecting to see busy people making dinner.  Nope.  Just Monte, still sound asleep on the couch.  I tried and tried to get him up and doin' but to no avail.

So I peeled yams, cut up quarts of potatoes, finished the turkey, transferred that sucker to another pan and got the gravy makings together and cooked carrots and on and on and on.  Don't get me wrong…I LOVE doing it, I love doing that more than sitting around not being allowed to do anything at all.  But, they WERE going to be making ME dinner.  Sigh!  In the end the dinner was totally delicious, and we had such a good time visiting around the table.  Monte took three containers with a complete turkey dinner over to the native kid that lives next door (at Spod's suggestion and it was much appreciated).  We all pitched in and got the dishes done and Spod and I hit the road at 5 o'clock heading home.

And now its time to make my LIST.  I am not getting the right things done.  Things like checking out changing my cell phone number, packing up and sending back all the telus tv boxes, paying the guy for the baseboards, making arrangements for our furniture in Port to be moved down, taking the dogs to a new vet for their shots, sending the wood stove reports to BCAA, and on and on and on….errands on steroids (shovel list).  But it always feels so good to cross that crap off a list.  Really I just want to curl up in a ball and howl "Why Me???"  But two things stop me…one…its the ultimate 'victim' howl (and we hate being a victim) and the size of my stomach, ah yes, that.  My curl up days are long long gone.

Now I am off to bed.  Amazing Race and the Good Wife have been watched, sunday nite ritual over and I am tired…in a good way!  TTYL


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