Thursday, October 24, 2013


It has been interesting not having a tv.  If anyone knows us they will know that we have a tv in EVERY room, all turned on at once and about as loud as it can get.
I spent many years alone raising my oldest two kids and I used to feel that the tv was a better husband than a real one.  It didn’t interfere with the child raising, it didn’t create laundry, it didn’t criticize every little move I made, it didn’t tell me what to do, it was way more interesting and intelligent than most real husbands.  So, I became very attached to my tv.
Fortunately for me Andrew had a big boom box set up on the wood stove.  It is tuned into a classic rock station and its been a blast listening to all the rocking oldies.  But I am ready now for some Gerry Springer, Dr. Phil or Judge Judy.
Spod finished the unit for the bedroom that is to hold the tv and its beautiful and perfect.  I love it.  It took him all the live long day and a few more re focusing tactics on my part, but he did it and it really is a lovely piece.  I can’t wait to have all five or six of them going at once!  
I was in the midst of unpacking all the clothes in the walk in.  I had the first rack on the right totally full to the gills.  I hung one last little blouse on it and the damned thing pulled off the wall spraying about forty items everywhere and the rack fell to a million pieces.  And this brings me to a sore subject between Spod and me.
I have been telling him for some time now he needs glasses...all the time glasses, not just Costco reading ones.  Many years ago, and I mean many, he did get a pair, bifocals, but they made him trip and miss stairs etc...which at first until you are used to them, they do.  But he didn’t wait for that..he just tossed them.  And thats okay when you are at the beginning of losing some of your focus.  
Jump to years and years later.  Now you are pretty blind without them and bifocals are a necessity.  You trip and miss steps for a whole different can’t frigging see!
Back to the closet...I took a closer look at the gyprock screws, you know those twisty things you hammer in first then screw the screw into it.  Well he screwed one of the screws into the gyprock BESIDE the gyprock screw. And now, on the floor, was a tangle of hangers and clothes and broken up shelf.  And the sad thing is that I had totally colour co ordinated that line of clothes.  I was going to take a picture and post it on Cookie’s wall.  She would have been so proud of me!  Well I think I hear Shaw out there.  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. hahahaaaa!!!! I can see the look on your face when it all fell apart! I am sure your stuff looked great all colour co-ordinated!
