Thursday, October 31, 2013


I went to the hospital, in the middle of the night, by ambulance no less!!!  And that was the same night that my poor mom passed.  

Around 11 at night I was sitting in Kathy's big chair, drinking a mild rum and diet coke.  We had just left Mom at the home and we were quietly sitting kind of digesting the magnitude of it all when my chest started to hell I might add.  I didn't say anything at first.  I thought it would just go away after a bit.

But it didn't.  It got worse and worse until I could hardly breathe.  At this point we had gone upstairs to get ready for bed, Spod was already asleep in bed.  (something he can actually do quite quickly, very unspodlike) Well, the pain got to the scary point and I called Aryn and bless her heart she whipped downstairs and got Kathy from her bedroom (as Aryn said she had no idea where we were address wise) called 911 and before you could say Bob's your uncle...a firetruck and an ambulance came screaming along (shovel list).  

They popped me into it (like you can actually 'pop' a giant person into an ambulance) and whisked me away.  And it being Tuesday night, so I am told, the emergency room was quiet and they hooked me up for an ecg or whatever its called, tested my blood, xrayed my chest and heart, made me swallow some horrible pink crap that numbed my tongue and throat and decided it was 'oesophageal spasms'.  Jeez did it ever hurt but once I drank that awful stuff the pain went away. I don't want it to happen again.  At least now I know I don't have lung cancer and my heart is just fine.

So we got home and went to bed and Kathy came in at 7:30 to tell me mom had just passed away.  Such a momentous eventful night.  I was just thinking that 3 weeks ago we were getting home from a trip, final packing, moving, final cleaning, unpacking, stupid jet rest for the wicked!

Now I do believe we are halfway through the preparations for the funeral.  We meet with the lawyer on Monday.  We will be going home on Tuesday.  This will give me two days to cook, shop and pack for the women's retreat that starts on Friday in Princeton.

I just reread this and it made me I am off to bed.  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. I believe you have earned a weekend of doing absolutely nothing!
