Monday, October 28, 2013


I got a little feedback from a very unimportant source..but it did make me think.  Apparently, "SPOD" is disrespectful to Spod.  Apparently, this nickname could do 'emotional damage'.  Apparently, this nickname is mean and low down. All of the above apparentlies could be true.  Maybe not.  But...this is what people don't know...he has a nickname for me.  He has used this nickname for me ever since I had babies, went through menopause, quit smoking, took certain medications...and gained about 200 pounds.  And that name is BLISTER!.  Yes...he calls me his old Blister.  

When we are in Costco and he spies me way across the store,  he yells "Hey Blister!"  When he is in his chair, all comfy and feet up and he needs a diet coke, it's "Hey Blister!"  When a new neighbour, you know the kind, like Ned Flanders on Simpsons, the kind that knocks on your door and says "Howdoodoodelydoo there neighbour!" (shovel list), Bill shouts "Hey Blister, we have company!"  Its got to the point where I am thinking of renaming this blog to "SPOD AND BLISTER:  THE DYNAMIC DUO"  So don't feel too sorry for Spod.  

On one of our Costco runs I bought fake candles.  Aryn had told me about them.  They look sooo real, they flicker, white and different heights.  They came with all the batteries needed and a remote control.  I need to go back and get another set.  They were only 33 bucks!  Fantastic Xmas gift I must say.  But....there is one tiny draw back.....they smell like vanilla.  No.  Actually they smell just like the oatmeal muffins I used to bake in Bamfield.  So now, I am constantly craving muffins and sadly missing Bamfield all over again.

I just received a call from my sister in Kamloops.  Our mom is gravely ill, not responding to medication, and there is the possibility she may not pull through this time.  Even though she is 86 and has dementia and can't get out of her wheelchair etc...and its maybe a good and peaceful time for her to move to the next realm, where ever that may be, one is never ready to lose their mom. I look back at all she taught me and all the times she saved my butt, and at what a strong, quirky wonderful woman she was and know that I must hang on to those memories and share them with people.  That is who she really is.  

So, Bill will come back from Vancouver today and we will head up to Kamloops tomorrow and stay until we know.  Poor Bill,  he has no time to be old.  And poor Kathy family, they have been so close to mom and taking care of all her needs.  This will be especially difficult for them and I hope we can help in some way.  I shall be in touch.  TTYL.....(go hug your mom or if she is already gone, tell someone a good story about her)



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