Tuesday, November 18, 2014


It just dawned on me that if I am planning on buying things online for xmas I had best get to it.  We are thrift store shopping for the main present this year but I always do a big giant full of presents stocking for each of them.  Those, I am not getting at the thrift store. 

My fave site to go to is shop.ca…mostly cuz its fast and the shipping is free!  And then when the stuff starts rolling in its so much fun!

Have you tried Meyer lemons?  I bought some at Costco and they are so damned delicious.  I can actually eat them straight up.  They are sharp but not sour, kind of sweet.  I have started to squeeze that stuff on everything. 

I love love love my new kitchen.  Bradley and Aryn have worked so hard on it and other than the electrical and countertops its almost finished.  Bradley is coming back on Monday to finish up some of it.  He has a fellow that works for him when they are busy.  He is available right now and will come to the house (he lives in Victoria) and do all the things us non-handymen can't do.  Such a relief.

I'm hitting the piano once again.  I found an awesome, missing for a long time, stack of music books.  A couple of them I used to play from but the pieces were really tricky and hard so I am reacquainting myself with them and believe me, its not like riding a bicycle!!!  Pretty soon it won't just be Monte playing the piano at gatherings!!  And I will have moved on past 'Hallelujah'!!

Well its almost one in the morning.  I shall post another poem…its slow going getting to the better ones.  Sorry.  Don't read it.  TTYL

Hunger is invasively powerful
It can motivate, debilitate,  instigate
all consuming, all exhuming
anger fear it permeates

I cry, I writhe, I whimper, I scream
the need I feel is beyond the dream
I grasp, I grovel, I fall to the ground
one little crumb I have not found

my mind grows weaker
my body shrivels
reaper is waiting
I am even meeker

I am controlled, I am confused
my will is unpowered and I am used
no more compelling  the enemy within

this is a battle I will not win


  1. I love shopping online! And i always get my packages sent to my work! Find it really picks up the day :)
    Btw... I saw the picture you posted of me on facebook... my god that's alot of pink!

  2. you looked so incredibly sweet…and actually you were!!! Thats how I remember you.

  3. Aww thanks :)
    Although I'm not sure it was hard to look sweet next to my siblings... hehe... kidding... sorta!
    Today I showed that picture around work and one guy didn't believe it was me. Then completely seriously asked me what happened and if I did drugs in highschool!! Hahaha ouch! He's from the Philippines so I'm hoping something got lost in language!

    I'm moving over the next week, then going to the Grey Cup the following weekend! Im pretty excited about both! But maybe once I'm settled, if its alright, I'll hop over to the island for a visit? I hope you're doing well!
