Sunday, November 30, 2014


Last night I shut my window down to about half a foot.  But it got so cold in the night I just couldn't get up to shut it!  I kept waking up, freezing!!  And when I did go to sleep I dreamt about stealing Hudson's Bay Blankets!  Seriously!  I was stealing them from tents, from hotel rooms, from people's bedrooms…every time I went back to sleep I would have a different dream about stealing them.

So tonight I closed it down to about 3 inches and now as I type this, I can see even that is too much. It is so flipping cold!  And I can't find the water shut offs to the outside taps.  I had Myles look, Bradley and Aryn have looked and we simply cannot find the outside tap shut offs.  And now the outside tap downstairs has already frozen.  The one out front hasn't so I have turned it on to a trickle, just to keep it from freezing.  Tomorrow we shall look again.

Today Aryn, with the help of Monte, completely reorganized the garage.  And now I know where everything is.  She lined up and organized the food and it looks like I am one of those extreme couponers.  And worse than that…my back is so bad right now I couldn't move.  Ibuprofen isn't helping much…which is scary.  So I sat in a chair while Aryn sorted a thousand things and made piles and put stuff away…and I totally felt like I was in an episode of Hoarders.  You know, those big old fat ugly women, missing teeth and big dirty ugly hair?  Well that was definitely me out there today.  The only difference was I was hollering at her to throw everything out rather than keep it!  But the final product was truly amazing and comforting.  I can sleep a bit better now.

When Bradley was finished in the bathroom downstairs, gyprocking, people…not the other!, we hopped into the truck and went to a signature liquor store.  Wow!!!  Lots of goodies I have never heard of before were in there.  I bought lots!  We then hit super store for a few things and then Millstream market for smoked salmon and then home.  Aryn made chicken pot pie and I made a snack tray of smoked salmon, onion, lemon, mascarpone, capers, brochette, pepper spread and crackers.  We watched cooking shows and ate.  We did get a few Christmas things up but tomorrow is the big xmas decorating day.  

Now my fingers are so cold I can't type.  TTYL

a couple of pics here for my friends that are not on facebook:



1 comment:

  1. I love that pic of sleeping son and pup....adorable. Looking forward to seeing Christmas deco pics, since we are not decorating this year.
